Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I Got Greed For...

YMC Belt Boot ($392, Oak)

I have been craving these bad boys for FOREVER. Well, any belted/strapped/kick-ass boot, really. Chris over at Suptertalk has a pair that he constantly wears and everytime he shows them off, this deep pain rings in my heart. If anyone knows a pair that are reasonably priced (so that I might lay claim to it for my Christmas present from the parental units), please drop me a line!

Truly, I've become obsessed with finding a good pair of boots. Not just boots you slip on just to trudge through the day. I want something that I can stomp in and make that bridge between Moffitt and the Chancellor's House shake. And when my new iPod comes and I upload my CSS/Beyonce/Blur/Waitresses mix on it, that's exactly what I'll be doing.

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