Friday, July 18, 2008

WANT WANT WANT: Pierre Hardy for Gap

     The ladies had their fun with Pierre Hardy's first collaboration with Gap, resulting in some wonderfully sleek and minimalist shoes. And now the French accessory designer extraordinaire has got two slick new pieces for the guys to drool over. Available starting September 15 at select Gap stores, the combat boots will go for $298 and the desert boots will cost you $178. While these are certainly an elevation above the usual Gap price point, affixing Hardy's name and his eye for shoe design carries a hefty premium. Although these aren't anywhere in the same ballpark as Hardy's mainline shoes (even those cool primary  color sneakers are still $500 some on sale now), I think it's something I'll definitely be interested in.

     All in all, I'd have to say that the Patrick Robinson revamp of the brand has been successfully aesthetically; we'll have to see whether or not his work can do anything to revive such a sluggish market.

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nv said...

I love both boots, I wish I could fit men's sizes but I have teeny size 6 feet and doubt they make any size 4's :(

kittenmasks said...

Ohhhhh, these are soooo nice. I might just have to buy the smallest pair and stuff the extra space with socks.

underneath said...

I want them badly too! Great blog.

jjabraham said...

where can i find them
want them badly
havent seen them at any gap
and i live in nyc